Cool Colours with a Splash of Warm |
The color wheel is created when the primary and secondary colors are placed in a circle. Colors directly across from each other on the color wheel are called complementary colors. Complementary colors used together provide extreme contrast.
Look for colours that work well together and don't clash like hot pink and bright red next to each other for example. Try not to overcrowd with too many bold colours. In digital photography it works best if you have the main subject has the bold colour, rather than multiple points of bold colour in the background for example.
More Information about colour:
Colour Assignment:
Take 10-15 digital photographs of the Element of Design- COLOUR
This time, really consider what your main colour is an how it looks with other colours in your photo. Three things to try:
- Look for a scene with all warm colours.
- Take a photo with all cool hues.
- Mix some colours: take a few photos with one dominant colour (background) and a small splash of a complimentary colour as your main subject. i.e a portrait in a green landscape with some one wearing red...
Upload your best to your personal blog with a definition of colour (in your own words) and an explanation as why your image is a good example of colour.
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