Monday, May 30, 2016


Portrait/Form Project Criteria
Take a series of photographs of someone in natural light. The background is as significant as the subject and should be well considered. You are to compose five different portraits in surroundings that describe the person in the photo. Consider your expressions, costumes, props and lighting. (Photos by LFAS Alumni- Greg Swales)

  1. Photograph your partner 25x or more. Make sure you take at least five different photos of each your partner using the same background so that you can have a selection to choose from. Try 2 different backgrounds and different angles, lighting, expressions ... The more pictures you take, the better chance for successful compositions. Be as clear as possible with your idea so that you can clearly communicate to your subjects. 
  2. Make a digital contact sheet.
  3. Upload your 3 favorite images to your blog and share your best with your person. 
  4. Post your partner's image of you on your blog.
Grade 10s 
Consider depth of field in composing your portraits try to use short, medium, and long range of focus using your aperture. Also consider light and experimenting with how light is cast on your subject angles of light etc.

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